Our Completed Projects.
The Historical Association has completed many projects since its creation in 2011. Historcial documents have been archived and organized by the group.

Banking Institutions in Bird City from 1885-2002
The Associations compiled information on the banking institutions of the town by researching newspapers dating back to 1885. They did this by viewing microfilm copies of each issue at the Bird City Public Library. There have been seven banks in Bird City from 1885 to 2002. The current banking instituition is The Bank and it is not included in this compilation.

Security State Bank Robbery on June 29, 1931
This booklet details the story of Chester Morris and Elzie Harmon's bank robbery of the Security State Bank. The men got away with a small amount of money and learned that crime doesn't pay in Cheyenne County.

Edgar Robertson's 90th Birthday Celebration on December 17, 1996
The biography of Edgar Robertson including his 67 years as a banker in Bird City which began on the Security State Bank's opening day, December 1, 1929. He was a prominent figure in Bird CIty and extremely philanthropic.

The Mystery of the Past
The Mystery of the Past is an eight issue collection of Northwest Kansas history. These were made available to the Cheylin Schools in 2012.
Volume I, Issue I-III The Native Americans
Volume I, Issue IV-V The Early Cattleman
Volume I, Issue VI-VIII The Landseekers
Each of the members of the Bird City Historical Association chose categories about which to write for these booklets. Some of the categories that were included in these booklets were: Out of the Past, Craft Corner, The Photo Place, the Mystery Sleuth, Keepsakes, Map Quest, Poetry Corner, the Book Corner, Pieces of History, Items of Historical Interest and included in one of these was the 1880 United States Federal Census of Cheyenne County.

Ancient Indian Traders Trail
With the passage of Section 5 of House Bill 2424, signed by Gov. Brownback on April 12, 2014, State Highway 161 between Bird City and Benkelman, officially received recognition as part of the Ancient Indian Traders Trail.
Other Projects
Resource Guide to the Bird City News from October 21, 1886 to March 28, 1895. This resource guide includes all the births, marriages, and deaths which occured during this time. These events were not recorded by the County until 1911. Early businesses were also recorded with the location when available. We also found some interesting facts about the people in early Bird City and some really great stories, jokes and everyday hints.