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World War II Information

The Bird City Historical Association was given three scrapbooks from Lyle Williams.  These scrapbooks were made by his wife, Aletha, and her mother Maude Heselius.   These scrapbooks were made up of articles of the men in Cheyenne County who were in World War II.  The first scrapbook contained information about the men who answered the call to join and serve.  The second scrapbook tells of how these men served and what happened to them.   The third scrapbook was made up of newsaper articles from the end of the war.


We have made indexes for each of these scrapbooks, which you can look at and then decide if you want a copy of the pages that are listed for a relative or friend who was in the war.  We will make copies and send them to you for a donation.  A suggested donation would be $3.00 for us to research the pages and $0.25 per extra page.  You can e-mail your request to or send request to Bird City Historical Association, Inc.  P. O. Box 204, Bird City, KS 67731.


Click on the Index # and you should be able to find the names.  After the names, will be the page numbers where the name is mentioned.  Write down these numbers and contact us if you would like copies of these pages.  E-mail us at if you are having trouble with this.  Thank you so much for looking at our website.

© 2023 by Bird City Historical Association, Inc.
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